Kletsk is located in the southwestern part of the Minsk region (134 km. from the regional center).
It borders on Gantsevichy and Lyahovichy district, Brest region, and Niasvizhand Kopyl - Minsk region. The population of the city on 01.01.2006 is 10,381 people.
Kletsk is in place of feudal castle on the high side of the river Lan. The beginning of the biography is considered 1127 year, the city has been the center of the principality Turovo-Pinsk land yet.
Some sources mention the city as the capital of the tribe dregovichey.
Kletsk have been invaded by Tatars and Swedes, occupation by German troops .
And of course it took a decade the devastation land back to life ...
Today the city has some achievements in every field: industry, commerce, consumer services, education, health, culture, sports ...
And as we look to the past, confident in the future ....